Thursday, September 15, 2011

Saltine Crackers with Peanut Butter and Raisins - $0.34

This one is is just what it sounds like. 4 crackers (2 sandwiches), peanut butter and raisins.

Not all peanut butters are the same. I don't know what critera they use, but they are rated here.  Peter Pan is the highest rated of the common brands.

Neither are all crackers the same. The ones with healthy pictures on the box are likely low in calories and very expensive. They might be fine for home, but not for those on the trail or on a budget. My favorites are Saltines and Ritz Crackers. (I juse Classic Rich's from Vitamin Cottage instead of Ritz.)

Saltines are rated here.

Some might prefer to substitute a popular brand of commercial peanut butter crackers. Here are the ratings for those. Aside from being expensive, they seem to be junk.

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