Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Peanut and Banana Trail Mix - $0.31

The traditional trail mix is Good Old Raisins and Peanuts (GORP). Many people add M&M's.

I've found that cooked meals tend to be too low in fats and protein for energy on the trail. Also, they tend to be lacking in Potassium. Much of this can be corrected by FRIED dehydrated bananas in snacks and added to other foods. I prefer the Natural Grocer's brand at Vitamin Cottage.

My pattern of eating is breakfast (300 cal.), snack (300cal), second breakfast (300cal), snack (300 cal), lunch (300), snack (300 cal), supper (300 cal), snack (300 cal), bedtime (600).

We have found stopping to cook during the day gives us more energy. We pick an especially scenic spot. By cooking something that smells good, it helps us to remember the spot. It's a lot easier climbing a long series of switchbacks knowing there is a great view and a cooked meal at the top. Or on a hot day, we can enjoy a shady, cool spot near a mountain stream.

It's not as hard as it sounds. With good planning and organization a cook break takes about 15 minutes. We stop early to avoid afternoon rainstorms, so only the second breakfast and lunch are cooked on the trail. The late supper is close to bedtime and contains a lot of calories and fats to us sleep warmer.

We cooked here at the top of a saddle on Segment 9 of the Colorado Trail.

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