Recall the original task was to find the bearing and range between two poles at a distance without going more than 50 feet from the pole in the lower left.
So, I made a special 4 circle protractor which would be centered on the home pole and aligned on the cardinal directions. The center of each protractor is a scaled 50 feet from the home pole. Then I'd take 5 bearings to both P1 and P2. one from each protractor. This should locate the position of P1 and P2 very accurately. Then it's a simple matter of drawing a courseline between the two poles. Laying a protractor on one to determine the bearing and measuring the distance.
This sort of exercise is not without practical use. I've decided to make a clear protractor for 1:24000 maps with a diameter of 1 mile. It can be printed on frosted clear plastic you can write on. Marks could be made with a pencil to orient the protractor so magnetic headings can be read directly from the protractor.
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